Hey Roman,

Roman Mamedov <r...@romanrm.net> writes:

> On Sun, 19 Feb 2023 21:18:34 +0100
> Nico Schottelius <nico.schottel...@ungleich.ch> wrote:
>> If I am not mistaken that would mean in practice:
>>    if orignal_pkg.ip_dst == one_of_my_ips then
>>       return_pkg.ip.src = orignal_pkg.ip_dst
>>       return_pkg.ip.dst = orignal_pkg.ip_src
>>    fi
>> For me that sounds like a sane approach (aside from
>> my very simplified algorithm).
> Except there is no request and response in WG, and as such no original or
> return packet. Another peer contacts you, then some time later you contact the
> other peer. Or the other way round.
> WG-wise what will need to be done is to store in the each peer's information
> structure the local IP that we are supposed to use for communication with that
> peer; and updating it when receiving packets from the peer, using the
> destination of those. So you would see a "Local IP" in each "peer" section
> when doing a "wg show".

That is very interesting, thanks for the insight. Reading above
paragraph, I was having a very similar thought that we need to record
the local IP.

> Also, until there is such IP initially stored, it will have to be some default
> outgoing IP of the system towards that peer. BTW, how would this work in your
> setup, what if not the peer contacts you first, but your machine needs to
> contact the peer?

So far this situation doesn't exist for us, because only servers are
multi homed.

However, having an option to specify something a local address in each peer
section would probably be a good solution to disambiguate it and if not
specified, use the default, as in whatever other processes are using
that don't define it explicitly - i.e. follow the process of least

Best regards,


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