> 1. What are the most common WLAN problems you face, either in the design or
> operation of your network, for which WLAN analysis tools might be helpful?

#1, Ad-Hoc networks in large classrooms

#2, Interferences on 5 GHz, point-to-point links

#3, People believing that we need to secure WLANs at all prices

> 2. Which specific available tools -- commercial or otherwise -- are most
> helpful in allowing you to do your job?

#1, -Education for prevention
    -Netstumbler etc.. for Detection
    -On-site visit and yelling, for remediation (cannot detect a specific
     user when 200 laptops are next to each other...don't want to use
     jamming solutions

#2,  -We use of a portable Spectrum Analyzer

#3,  -Secure Applications, then revisit the problem!
     (WLAN security is only between Devices and APs
      it's all clear after that!)

Philippe Hanset
University of Tennessee

> Thanks,
> Dave Molta
> Director, Syracuse University Center for Emerging Network Technologies
> Sr. Technology Editor, Network Computing
> 315-443-4549
> **********
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