We have a campus-wide wireless net with 1300 notebook computers for whom the wireless network is their only means of connectivity. We'll be replacing those computers this summer with either new notebooks or tables, and since we'll be living with the new systems for the next 2-3 years, we want to ensure their wireless cards work well with our network. We'll probably get one or more evaluation systems from a half-dozen vendors or so, so we're planning to have 10-12 different systems to test.
The testing we're planning to do includes comparing throughput/bitrate from various distances at various locations on campus while classes are in session or during other typical network load. We'll also be testing the signal level at which the NIC roams to a new AP, etc. We'll verify the different types of authentication and encryption supported by each NIC, what functionality each NIC's software includes, and that sort of thing. In addition, we'll also issue these test systems to various users to use in their environment for a day or two to see how the systems behave in practice.
I'd be interested in finding out what others have done in this sort of situation. I'd be grateful for any suggestions you have or experiences you might wish to share.
David Boyer
Network Administrator
Buena Vista University
610 W. 4th St.
Storm Lake, IA 50588
712-749-2358 (voice)
781-735-8267 (fax)
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