We are looking for campuses to speak with that are utilizing *wired* 802.1x in large heterogeneous environments. Please contact me off-list if you or someone you know is doing this.

Our residential network authentication system is currently port based. We are investigating the move to a user based system utilizing 802.1x (to align with our wireless 802.1x system) and would like to speak with others familiar with the pitfalls. Our Resnet supports 8K students, and every device imaginable. These devices are unmanaged. We have heard tales of wired 802.1x problems, but don't have concrete experience. Our hope is that a small number of devices will not support 802.1x, for which we can utilize a switchlet supporting 802.1x (perhaps we'll do the embedded linux thing with a nice web page to interact with for them). For the majority, our hope is an installer (like the IdEngines product we use for our wireless system) will work well.

Any advice is appreciated.

William C. Green                          e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Director, Networking                      phone:   +1 512-475-9295
ITS (Information Technology Services)     fax:     +1 512-471-2449
University of Texas
1 University Station Stop C3800
Austin, TX  78712

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