We did it. They're not 100% identical products, but we're happy with what we have and that we don't have bluesocket maintenance any more. Feel free to ask for more details.


Johnson, Ken wrote:


I know it’s a broad question with many variables but I am wondering if anyone has replaced the use of Bluesocket controllers with the Cisco WiSM controllers and preserved or enhanced the features and functionality within their wireless network while using APs from other venders? I am considering this as a migration path. I am receiving conflicting information about whether or not this can occur and I am looking for some real-world experiences.

Thanks for your help.



Ken Johnson

Director, Information Technology

FSU College of Medicine

1115 Call Street, Suite 2180

Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300

e-mail: ken.john...@med.fsu.edu <mailto:ken.john...@med.fsu.edu>

phone: 850.644.9396

cell: 850.443.7300

fax: 850.644.5584

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Rick Coloccia, Jr.
Network Manager
State University of NY College at Geneseo
1 College Circle, 119 South Hall
Geneseo, NY 14454
V: 585-245-5577
F: 585-245-5579

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