We retrict guest, but our staff/students/faculty are pretty much wide open 
other than some acl's to drop traffic to certain nets. 

We too are evaluating this and will be making changes to be a bit more 
restrictive, but haven't made any final decisions yet. 
Ken Connell
Intermediate Network Engineer
Computer & Communication Services
Ryerson University
350 Victoria St
Toronto, Ont
M5B 2K3
416-979-5000 x6709

-----Original Message-----
From: "Barros, Jacob" <jkbar...@grace.edu>

Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 09:41:38 
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] blocking specific ports or protocols

We were recently reviewing our policies on our Aruba wireless controller
and I am curious what ports or protocols others are blocking for student
wireless connections.  For example, guest wireless connections are
straightforward: HTTP, SSL, DNS.  Student connections are much more
complicated in my mind.  Can anyone share an overall philosophy and some
specifics on how you manage student wireless connections?     
Jacob Barros
Network Administrator
Grace College and Seminary

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