
With around 7,000 of our 16,000 or so students living in some form of 
university housing we have a 450Mb line, a burstable Gb line that has been 
running around 450Mb, and a 200Mb Internet 2 Link. We rate limit on the 
residential side and adjust to optimize the overall user experience.


Greg Gardner
Manager of Network Communications
Information and Technology Services
Rochester Institute of Technology
Ross 10-A325
103 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623

From: William Emmel <>
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 08:17:01 -0500
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Internet Bandwidth Capacity and Management in general

I’m looking for some information to help us baseline and level set.  We 
currently have two 100Mb diverse Internet connections.  We have about 3500 
students in our campus residence village and another 500 at remote residences.  
The individual residences each have a 10Mb fiber back to the campus but that’s 
a discussion for a different day.  Most of the wired and wireless traffic from 
the on campus residence halls is directed to one of the 100Mb links while 
admin, faculty and some other small student population uses the other.  We use 
Packeteer to rate limit and the two links are pretty much maxed out for a good 
part of the day and night.   I’m curious at to what bandwidth some of the other 
universities have and also what type of management policies and techniques 
people are using.



William F. Emmel
Director of Network and Communications Services
St. John's University – New York
Office 1-718-990-2007
Mobile 1-516-647-7624

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