Dear folks,

This may be something you're already familiar with. But I'm passing it on for 
what it's worth....

Someone just sent me this link, to a ZDnet story apparently reporting on a 
presentation at BlackHat/Europe conference.;txt

BUT don't click on that yet!

The story ABOUT the presentation seems a big dicey to me. (A better one -- 
based on a quick skim -- seems to be this story at DarkReading, which 
interviewed the presenter, Enno Rey, before BlackHat

I've done some additional digging, and I think the same team presented the same 
material at the recent SchmooCon.

Here's the SchmooCon video:

FYI, here's the link to the capsule BlackHat session summary and the 

The presenter in both is Enno Rey, with ERNW GmbH, based in Germany. Their 
English language website is here

Rey mentions an infosec blog:

I've only checked the opening minutes of the video. Rey is looking at 2 Cisco 
WLAN "architecturs" -- SWAN and the current CUWN. Apparently a big part of the 
presentation is potential problems in the Cisco's proprietary Wireless LAN 
Context Control Protocol (WLCCP).

There you go....I'll pull this together for a blogpost at Network World later today. 
Unless you all tell me this was old news from 2 years ago or something....

John Cox

J o h n   C o x
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