
As far as I know, in Canada we don`t have a domain for universities. Limiting 
the mailing list to .edu domain would block all Canadian Universities from 
contributing to those mailing list. Please take that into account if you change 
the rule. 

Christian Héroux
University of Québec
Montréal, Qc

-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
[mailto:wireless-...@listserv.educause.edu] On Behalf Of Osborne, Bruce W. (NS)
Sent: 14 août 2010 06:36
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] List Guidelines reminder

I think Rick's mention of limiting to .edu was to limit to educational 
institutions only. That should definitely include those in countries that use 
.ac.?? country code domain names for educational institutions.

I have seen many noteable posts on the educause lists from .ac.?? domains.

Bruce Osborne
Liberty University
From: Oliver Gorwits [oliver.gorw...@oucs.ox.ac.uk]
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: List Guidelines reminder

Hash: SHA1

On 12/08/2010 18:13, Philippe Hanset wrote:
> Also, having vendors on the list is reciprocally beneficial.

I would agree, there have been notable posts in the past from
vendors either offering assistance with bugs or coming in with
general technical/standards know-how.

So long as it's not pushy, which it hasn't been in the couple of
years I've been on this list, I'm happy.

I guess the objection is that we may feel unable to rant knowing the
vendor is watching, but I feel equally unable to rant anyway because
the list is archived publicly and therefore the post will linger
forever in Google - so it makes no difference ;-)

Also +1 for the non-.edu access - we outside the U.S. appreciate
being able to share in a wider Higher Education discussion than our
own market, and hopefully on occasion have something to contribute!

- --
Oliver Gorwits, Network and Telecommunications Group,
Oxford University Computing Services
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