
We had this exact same issue! Instead of a default 1024bit certificate rooted 
in Equifax, we received a 2048bit certificate rooted in GeoTrust.

We explained that reconfiguring the tens of thousands of devices 'out there' is 
an impossibility at this time. Basically, this resulted in a lot of back and 
forth, but in the end, we leveraged the fact that Verisign had until December 
31, 2010 to comply with new regulations that forced them to the 2048bit 
offering. Thus, we were able to obtain a renewal for our certificate that would 
last another 12 months.

We are now migrating towards using Comodo through Incommon. But again, this is 
through a different root. Luckily, we are nearing a rollout of a new identity 
management solution along with a WLAN encryption upgrade; each requires 
reconfiguration on the user's part. We are leveraging these circumstances to 
roll out a configuration utility that will trust both Equifax as well as our 
new root.

Many folks will say to just use a self-signed root, but for some entities, that 
is not an option since the network engineers may not dictate the security 
policies. :-/

Good luck!

Ryan Holland
Network Engineer, Wireless
Office of the Chief Information Officer
The Ohio State University

On Oct 18, 2010, at 12:38 PM, Bruce Boardman wrote:

We just renewed our Verisign CERTs only to find that the Verisign Root has 
changed. This wouldn't be a big deal, if it were for a web server, but since 
it's student laptops configured to accept the only the old public primary root 
it has a big impact. Verisign is saying that our only recourse is to 
reconfigure all the clients. Ouch! We are using a Cisco ACS 5.2 server for the 
Radius auth, and certification. Anyone solve this already, or have any 
suggestions about how to avoid reconfiguring all the clients.

|>Bruce Boardman, Network Engineer, Syracuse University -  c  315 412-4156<|
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