On 01/03/2011 12:17 PM, Holland, Stephen wrote:
> Currently my school provides wireless access to some dorms.  We do not
> support wireless printers and I have been asked to provide a solution as
> students want to use wireless printers in their dorm rooms. From my
> perspective this would be a logistics nightmare as each student could
> bring in their own printer which could be manufactured by a number of
> different vendors.  In addition different operating systems locate
> printers using different means (Bonjour for example) and this would
> further complicate the issue.  I'm curious to know if other schools have
> implemented such a solution and how successful the implementation has been.

We give them directions to an office supply store where they can buy a
USB cable.

Your instinct is correct - these are a nightmare to support in any sort
of NAC/802.1x environment.

Matt Gracie                         (716) 888-8378
Information Security Administrator  grac...@canisius.edu
Canisius College ITS                Buffalo, NY

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