Somewhat related, the nook color's User-Agent string makes it look like a Mac:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_7; en-us) AppleWebKit/530.17 
(KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/530.17

Further searching online found that if the device's browser is put into “mobile 
mode” the user-agent data changes to appear as an android/mobile device.

-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] One user, many devices

I would've hoped so, but ~36% of devices fingerprinted as iPod/iPad/iPhone 
didn't sent a hostname.  Of those that did, ~27% changed it from the default 
Apple format :(

On 04/01/11 15:47, James J J Hooper wrote:
> On 01/04/2011 20:18, David LaPorte wrote:
>>> Thanks for sharing always interesting to see this kind of information.
>>> Wwe have some similar statistics running, so I've included a couple 
>>> of graphs of our own. Interested to know about how you do this via 
>>> detecting browser agents when looking at device type. We have been 
>>> using DHCP fingerprinting which seems pretty successful but we can't 
>>> tell the difference between and Ipad/Ipod/Iphone etc, which might be 
>>> good to know since IOS devices appear to make up most of our clients.
>> We're doing OS detection with DHCP fingerprinting using PacketFence.  
>> We can't tell an iPad from an iPhone based on the fingerprint either, 
>> but you might be able to run the fingerprinting data against 
>> user-agent string or OUI if you're capturing that.  I started mapping 
>> out the Apple-owned OUIs by device type, but - while there's clearly 
>> method to the madness - I figured it wasn't worth the effort.
> Can you not differentiate between iOS devices by the "host name" in 
> the DHCP request ( ?
> iOS seems to format the hostname as
> <name>s-iP(ad|hone|od)        =>  Annes-iPad
> Obviously, it's not guaranteed to be accurate, but it gives an indication.
> e.g: Pull out apple devices by MAC OUI, then cross reference with DHCP:
> +--
> Total number of devices: 10043
> Total number of devices matching APPLE OUI: 4974    (49.53%)
>                                            Num    %ofApple    %ofTotal
> Total number claiming to be iPods:    556    11.18%        5.54%
> Total number claiming to be iPhones:      1585    31.87%      15.78%
> Total number claiming to be iPads:         167    3.36%        1.66%
> Total remaining, presumed Mac laptops:     2666    53.60%       26.55%
> +--
> Regards,
>   James

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