It may be the result of competition from tablets.  Laptop manufacturers are
nervous about competing tablet vendors, many of which do not make a PC, so
all of a sudden they are competing directly with Motorola, Samsung, HTC and
RIM.  Plus Apple has such a huge lead on the market.


To compete with tablets laptops have to become less expensive, lighter and
have longer battery life.  Going with 2.4 radios is probably cheaper and
definitely conserves on power due to better signal propagation.  Plus, we do
have N at 2.4 which is pretty darn snappy.  My guess is that folks who are
buying computers don't know or care about the performance gains with 5 Ghz.
"Hey as long as I can get to Youtube and Facebook I'm good.  Just don't make
me get out my power cord and have to find an outlet."  






From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv
[mailto:WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU] On Behalf Of Peter P Morrissey
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 4:01 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Dearth of 5GHz Laptops


Every year we purchase a handful of laptops to get a sense of how well the
new laptops that freshman are coming in with will perform on our network.
Ideally we like to test laptops with 5Ghz 11n, and since we've upgraded all
our residences to 11n this summer, that is even more important. I have to
say that I am really disappointed though. I've been checking Best Buy and
Newegg, and I am having a hard time finding laptops in any price range with
5GHz 11n. There are a few of the more expensive ones, but not all of them,
and I was even expecting that the feature would trickle down into the
cheaper netbooks. 


The one exception is Apple laptops. They have been  5GHz 11n for three or
four years, and even the iPad 2 supports it. I know they come with their
share of other wireless issues, which is a shame, but I still have to give
them kudos for being forward thinking in that regard. And, they are really
catching down with our students. If current trends continue, over 50% of our
incoming class will come with Apple laptops.


Pete Morrissey

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