
The wireless-lan@educause will have a session at the Educause conference 
this coming Wednesday from 4:50 p.m. till 5:40 p.m. 
I will also present a poster (Wed 1:30 pm) and a session (Thu 1:30 pm) about 

Here are some of the topics that I had in mind:
        Can we say Au Revoir to Bonjour?
        EAP-TLS cert issues (md5)
        Could Apple please release a survey tool for iPhone (WiFiFoFum is now 
definitely not working
        unless you are willing to jailbreak)..should we ask as Wi-Fi network 
operators? (any interest?) 
-Campus Wi-Fi and exponential growth of new devices (how to deal with it)
-The future dormitory room (How much Wi-Fi is enough? Do we still need a 
-Your eternal visitor-access question: we need to provide it but what are our 
        (would we have different policies if we could strongly authenticate 
-802.11u (how will it change our SSID layout? and more...

Do you have a topic that you would like to cover?

I will write a summary and post it to the list after the conference, but 
nothing beats being there ;-)

Let me know,

Philippe Hanset

University of Tennessee, Knoxville
wireless-lan@educause Constituent Group Leader

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