Last year, we had Cisco Advanced Services do an audit and review.  Based on
their recommendations, we've disabled the 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps, but left 5.5,
for now.  The recommendation was to (and I quote) "  Low data rates (1, 2,
and 5.5 Mbps) is disabled for 802.11b radio ".  We did not disable the 5.5
Mbps, mainly because there were concerns it would impact some early
generation portable devices (phones/tablets).  


Sorry meant to specifically ask about the tweaking of the eap timers that
the post suggests.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2013, at 1:31 PM, "Hurt,Trenton W." <>

What are folks thoughts that are running Cisco regarding these suggested
tweaks?  I'm always hesitant to mess with anything that might fix one but
break another.
&P=4218> &L=WIRELESS-ADMIN&D=0&P=4218



Sent from my iPhone

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