I've noticed recently a few printers have actually shipped with zero hardwire connectivity of any kind - no ethernet, no USB, nothing. This lends support to my ongoing theory that, for the most part, printer manufacturers view wireless not as a general networking connectivity, but as a drop-in replacement for those pesky USB cables that are never quite long enough. I strongly suspect that until someone makes the rounds with a large bat with "ENTERPRISE WIFI" spelled out in nails on one end, the situation isn't likely to change.

Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu    |  For every problem, there is a solution that
Manager of Network Operations   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |           - HL Mencken

On 12/2/2013 11:23 AM, Lee H Badman wrote:
Hello to the group. Has been a while since I last looked and got frustrated
so throwing it out there in case anyone on the list has found devices that
have caught up with the times.
The question: has anyone found- and put into service- a business-grade printer
with a wireless interface that will do 802.1x auth and WPA2 encryption (no
preshare security stuff)? Same same for projectors, but printers are the more
interesting paradigm for my use case right now.
Lee Badman
Syracuse University
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