Well, it's that time of year again, wherein we get the following contact from 
one faculty member or staff member (out of tens of thousands of students, 
faculty and staff):

" I am an adjunct faculty member and I would like to have a meeting with 
someone that is charge of the WiFi system on the UNC-CH campus. I believe that 
there is a significant health risk to all students and faculty around this type 
of radiation. I would like the opportunity to bring solid research and 
professionals before you to present the materials.  This cannot be ignored. The 
liability is too great to all of the students and faculty."

And just like folks that come up with "scientific studies" that there's no 
climate change and the Earth is 7,000 years old, of course he has research 
links to back his claims.

Before I go digging out what studies and replies we've used in past years when 
this has come up, I was wondering (a) how many of you also have to deal with 
this and (b) has there been anything more recent in terms of research we can 
point to than what I dug up years ago?

Thanks in advance

-- Jim Gogan / ITS Comm Tech

    Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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