We have a couple of different ways we accommodate guests.

First, we have a contract with AT&T to provide our guest/visitor network. We advertise an "attwifi" SSID on all our AP's (minus a couple of specific locations), and that network gets dropped off on an AT&T circuit. The "attwifi" network is available to anyone (not just University visitors), and rates are set by AT&T. UT does nothing to govern who can access "attwifi" or what they can do on it.

As part of that arrangement, departments can purchase daily individual passes or conference codes to sponsor guests, visitors, conference attendees, etc. to access the "attwifi" network at no charge to the guests. The cost to departments is nominal and there just for cost recovery for printing the cards with individual codes or administrative staff time for setting up the conference codes. This is all handled through our Campus Computer Store.

Next, we have methods for departments to sponsor visitors onto the University's network at no charge. Support and administrative staff as authorized by their departments can create such accounts via our HR systems or a proprietary guest account system for our wireless network. Guests using these accounts effectively have the same access as University staff and are subject to the same policies governing staff usage (eg. security policies, as defined and enforced by our Information Security Office). With a very few exceptions for certain ports/protocols (eg. NetBIOS/SMB, SNMP, TCP/UDP Echo, etc.), everything is allowed and treated equally (no QoS, application rate limiting, etc.).


On 09/09/2014 10:40 AM, Mark Reboli wrote:

I am looking for information on what people do with guest wireless. Do you have open wireless on your campus? Do you have a password that everyone knows? Do you create special passwords for groups? Any assistance would be helpful.

Thank you


Description: MU Arches

Mark Reboli

Network/Telcom Manager

Misericordia University

(570) 674-6753

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