Have seen many single-room vendor devices that "require" multicast- until you 
press the vendor and they magically reveal an alternative way. Haven't found a 
legitimate need on WLAN yet, and any testing has not really been at scale for 


-----Original Message-----
From: Tariq Adnan [tariq.ad...@sydney.edu.au]
Received: Tuesday, 15 Aug 2017, 20:11
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] multicast enabled on your wireless network?

Hello everyone,

Just checking if you guys have multicast enabled on your wireless network and 
if you have come across any performance issues arising after enabling it? Is 
multicast widely used in your network?

I am working on a POC which has requirements that can be fulfilled by either 
enabling multicast or converting few APs to flexconnect mode. I am more in 
favour of later method but again want to know your views.


Kind regards,
Tariq Adnan

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