We went option 4 several years ago.  I actually learned the lesson about root 
certificate server changes about 4 years ago.  It is one of the things I have 
mentioned when I gave a presentation in the past about 'Lessons learned with 
Certificate Based Authentications'.

EAP-TLS will require PROPER user onboarding, which means you can install the 
private CA chain.  In my opinion, private is the way to go.  YOU control your 
CA destiny, not some external provider.

Ryan Turner

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 2:21:57 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Radius certificate length vs. onboarding opinions


I know the subject has been broached on the list a few times before, but I’m 
looking for informal opinions/survey about how you are deploying your Radius 
EAP certificates for PEAP/TTLS users (non-TLS). We use Cloudpath to onboard 
users, but recently went through a difficult renewal period to replace our 
expiring certificate. As we had configured all of our clients to “verify the 
server certificate” (as you should from a security perspective), we found that 
iOS/MacOS and Android clients did not take kindly to a new certificate being 
presented. This resulted in quite a few disgruntled users who couldn’t connect 
to WiFi as well as a shell-shocked Service Desk. To help prevent this in the 
future (and because we are moving to a new Radius infrastructure), what is the 
consensus on the following strategies:

Option 1: Using a self-signed/private PKI and a 10 year cert. Onboard with 
"verify server certificate" enabled

Option 2: Removing all traces of “verify server certificate” from OnBoard 
configuration and use 2-year certs from CAs

Option 3: Use 2-year CA certificates, enable “verify server certificates” and 
educate/prepare every two years for connection issues.

Option 4 (probably the best long-term answer): Move to private PKI and EAP-TLS.


Craig Simons
Network Operations Manager

Simon Fraser University | Strand Hall
8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6
T: 778.782.8036 | M: 604.649.7977 | 


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