Wireless People of Educause,

We are thinking about the possibility of cutting off our res halls from our
campus internet circuits and then having Comcast or something similar come
in provide internet and wireless to these buildings.  Has anybody gone thru
this (or even ultimately decided not to) and what were the factors at play
that ultimately affected your decision?  Also, what were the outcomes like?

I imagine that somebody like Comcast can do this using our existing coax
network, but I have to wonder what the net effect will be like for the
quality of service for the resident, and how the new service affects our
ability to maintain our internal infrastructure in those spaces, to the
extent that it is needed.  Also, my gut tells me that if problems arise,
the students will still call on the university to fix things and what that
will entail.


Jess Walczak
Senior Network Analyst
Information Technology Services
University of St. Thomas | stthomas.edu

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