I will not be making it this year.

Last year there were some informal meetups during meals, at designated tables. 
Perhaps that can work, with a little bit of coordination.

Maybe somebody should spin up a Slack channel to coordinate.

Bruce Osborne
Senior Network Engineer
Network Operations - Wireless
 (434) 592-4229
Training Champions for Christ since 1971

From: Brian Helman [mailto:bhel...@salemstate.edu]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 5:09 PM
Subject: Atmosphere Conference next week - higher education gathering

Several of you replied to me directly about possibly putting together a higher 
education gathering sometime next week at the Atmosphere Conference in Las 
Vegas.  I've looked over my schedule as well as the conference's and I don't 
see a time where it's feasible.  I will be at part or all of the Monday and 
Tuesday Innovation Zone receptions.   Given it's the start of the baseball 
season, there's a good chance I'll be in bright orange Mets colors, so 
introduce yourself!

More generically speaking, as many of us go to conferences that may not be 
Higher Education-specific, make sure you introduce yourselves to our peers, and 
make sure they are aware of the Educause Constituency Groups (especially this 
one and the NETMAN group).

If you are going to Atmosphere and want to try to catch up, feel free to direct 
message me on Twitter (@BrianHelman).


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Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
discussion list can be found at http://www.educause.edu/discuss.

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