If you have Airwave one of the may "dials" is how long is your average 

Mine is 28 minutes. 

I set my lease time for WiFi for 1 hour. I have a /19, which might be overkill, 
but with AD based DNS, I have poor insight into the things that go bump in the 
night (for DNS)

If Cisco, I think there was a Prime option for this data too....

-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2018 7:17 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] DHCP Lease Times


I'm curious to see what process/algorithm others use when determining DHCP 
lease times for your Wi-Fi networks.  Assuming plenty of IP addresses, what 
DHCP lease time is ideal to assign to clients in a WLAN with 90,000 unique 
clients/day, where avg. user spends 3hrs connected , but some (maybe 20%) go 
several days, Keep in mind that 90% are the same user/device every day.

What level of DHCP pool utilization do you think is best?  Have you found any 
industry documentation on this?  Thanks in advance.


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Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
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