We also run Nyansa and have been incredibly impressed with it.  I consider it a 
‘must have’ tool in our environment, and it has directly lead to many design 

With regards to other tools you mentioned, we are currently looking at 
NetBrain.  Our POC is expected to end next week, and we have not decided yet if 
this will be the product for us or not.  We run a very different environment of 
mainly NOT Cisco, like Extreme/Enterasys/Arista.  While this too is advertised 
to work with those vendors, we’ve found a lot of little bugs with how the 
product parse these things.  We have a lot of layer 2 in our environment, and 
the product’s forte is layer 3.  With that said, the company has been actively 
engaged and has been fixing almost every little issue we’ve found.  We would 
also like to use their automation platform inside the tool, but haven’t pushed 
that extensively during the test.  The main objective was to get something with 
documentation capabilities that can get us off of a spreadsheet.  I would say 
it is 85% there.  The product, in my mind, is overpriced for the higher 
education market, especially once you get to scale.  However, I think they are 
going to work on that, as well.  So, before you go down the NetBrain road, talk 
to us in about a month.  At that point, we will have either purchased it or 
moved on, and I’ll tell you why in detail.

Ryan Turner
Senior Manager, Networking
ITS Communication Technologies
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
+1 919 445 0113 Office
+1 919 274 7926 Mobile

on behalf of Jess Walczak <jwwalc...@gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 12:48 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Integrating 3rd party toolsets into your 
vendor-specific management platforms

TL:DR – I’m trying to learn what other schools are using for third party 
management as I’m feeling heartburn from my vendor’s latest iteration of their 
own management toolset.

I have a question to the group about SDN/SDA/Assurance/CiscoDNA/etc and how 
they integrate with third party tools.  My team just tried to deploy CiscoDNA 
on our campus, but after a disastrous launch we disabled it, then completely 
shut it off, and there it remains.  When it was running, we tried out the 
CiscoDNA toolset and it was unable to do a software upgrade on a newer switch, 
it was unable to do an SDA-style config to a switch, and Assurance pushed code 
to all of our switches causing a repetitive outage until we removed the config 
for Assurance from the affected switches.  I mainly wanted to run it for the 
Assurance data, but the rest of my team has (wisely) put this on pause.  Cisco 
moved customers from WCS to Prime about five years ago, and then to APIC-EM, 
and now there is yet another transition to DNA Center.  It seems to me that I 
require a third party toolset just to manage the pain of the vendor management 

I’m wondering what other schools are running for 3rd party 
analytics/management/aggregation/automation platforms?  We currently run Nyansa 
Voyance which I learned about from this very group back in 2016.   A school 
setup a semi-private Q-and-A of their own implementation of this software and 
it turned out to be exactly what we were looking for.  It has since saved our 
bacon several times by either being able to tell us things our vendor-specific 
tools could not, or by validating the data we were getting either anecdotally 
or from our vendor tools (often poorly so).  Are you running Solarwinds?  
LiveAction? NetBrain?  Puppet with Git?  Something else?  Any tools or 
reporting from Internet2?  (We are now getting the eduroam reports and love 
I guess as an additional twist on my question, I’m also interested in what 
potential integration of third party solutions into the standard vendor 
solutions your school has been able to achieve?  Cisco says that DNA (and thus 
Assurance) is an open architecture, but I’d really be interested in knowing to 
what degree that is true.  I’d really like to see an open ecosystem and more 
potential integration between our Cisco hardware, management platforms, and 
third party apps.  We are just beginning to program wayfinding into our 
school’s ERP app, and we are using their APIs to pull the data from within 
Prime and CMX, but we are interested in going further with this.  I’m not just 
interested in Cisco shops—plenty of the schools on this list are running Aruba 
and talk it up quite a lot!  One of the big schools that we regularly seek 
guidance from just switched to Aruba, so 3rd party integration with those 
toolsets now also interests our shop as well.

Thanks for reading my long-winded post!--JW

Jess Walczak
Senior Network Analyst
Information Technology Services
University of St. Thomas | stthomas.edu<http://stthomas.edu>

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