We’ve found its easier for our community to onboard to our 802.1x SSID with the 
native supplicant of the device, rather than download and run an installer (are 
dropping the installer).  Most need no instructions and figure it out on their 

While we offer an iPSK SSID, it is not as easy— person must go to web site to 
enroll a MAC address and get a key.  Predominantly in the residence halls so 
far (TVs, speakers, printers, game consoles, etc).  Also a smattering of 
devices that don’t support 802.1x (making our researchers happy).  I’m waiting 
to hear how iPSK has improved battery life for IOT projects.

William Green, Director of Networking and Telecommunications
The University of Texas at Austin | ITS | 512-475-9295 | 
it.utexas.edu<https://www.utexas.edu> | 

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