Have the clients upgraded further ? We saw widespread mail issues with
IOS 13.0 and 13.1
but all resolved after 13.2, that we were experiencing..
On 11/13/19 4:23 PM, Christina Klam wrote:
Has anyone experienced this issue and have a solution? With IOS 13,
people are no longer able to send or receive emails from google or
yahoo through the Mail app. If they try accessing gmail or yahoo mail
through the specifically branded app or a web browser, everything is
fine. We have narrowed down the issue even further. The problem
only happens when the iPhone is using a proxy server. We even tried
bypassing the proxy all together for p*-mailws.icloud.com, but that
has not helped.
Christina Klam
Network Engineer
Institute for Advanced Study
1 Einstein Dr
Princeton, NJ 08540
+1 609-734-8154
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Mike Davis
IT - University of Delaware - 302.831.8756
Newark, DE 19716 Email da...@udel.edu
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