Another one for Twillio as well. I would also add that their support desk are 
fantastic, they went the extra mile to get me up and running initially.

Get Outlook for Android<>

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
<WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU> on behalf of Adam T. Ferrero 
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 12:23:37 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] SMS gateways

 +1 Twilio is very nice to work with

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Lee H Badman <>
Date: 11/13/19 18:46 (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] SMS gateways

This email originated from outside of Temple University. Use caution when 
clicking on links or attachments.
Twillio. Works fantastic.
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
<WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU> on behalf of Entwistle, Bruce 
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 6:25:32 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] SMS gateways

We are looking at using the Guest portal of Clearpass for authenticating guest 
to our wireless network.  A part of this would be sending account information 
to guests through a SMS gateway.  Is there a recommended SMS gateway vendor 
that will work with Clearpass?

Thank you

Bruce Entwistle

Network Manager

University of Redlands

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