Hi Keith

I wish Id seen your mail earlier as we had been running 8.4.x series code for a 
while now and I could have grabbed more meaningful stats.
We have just moved to this weekend so I can only provide you with 2 
days’ worth of information.
So far we have a stable cluster with no disconnects and little to no AP 

I will continue to monitor this and will let you know if anything changes.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Sent: 07 December 2019 01:56
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] [External] [WIRELESS-LAN] ArubaOS 8.x cluster 

Hi T.J.,

We are not running port-channels directly to our MDs, but we do have 
port-channels on upstream switches. Based on some things I’ve seen in the 
packet captures we’ve collected and sent to Aruba (IPSec sequence numbers out 
of order), I’ve considered the fact that some packets might be load-balanced 
down different links and are arriving out of order, but the load balancing 
algorithms in place and traffic profile do not support that theory.

We do not run CPSec in our environment, but thank you for the bit of info.

It depends on the environment, but it ranges from in the 10s to as high as 86 
on 1 AP since the last image upgrade. I’d say the average in our most 
frequently disconnecting cluster is somewhere in the 30-40s. Here’s a couple of 

AP Counters
Name           AP Boots Acked  Bootstraps (Total)  Reboots
MEJ_1207A                      4          (54   )  21
MEJ_1207B                       3          (44   )  22


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of "Norton, Thomas (Network Operations)" 
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Date: Friday, December 6, 2019 at 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] [External] [WIRELESS-LAN] ArubaOS 8.x cluster 

Hey Keith,

We’re running with multiple clusters and are not running into any 
issues on our end. Our cluster statistics are fairly clean other than some 
issues on some of our switches that we have been running into.

One question, are you running port channels to your mds? If so, we have run 
into issues in the past with sending fast pdus, causing our links to flap.

Another thing is cpec, if your running it, highly recommend jumbo frames due to 
the extra overhead on the management tunnels. This is still something we’re 
working to implement internally.

Out of curiosity, when you run the counters command how many bootstraps are you 
seeing per ap on average?

T.J. Norton
Wireless Network Architect
Network Operations

Office: (434) 592-6552<tel:(434)%20592-6552>

[Image removed by sender. 

Liberty University  |  Training Champions for Christ since 1971

On Dec 6, 2019, at 7:52 PM, Miller, Keith C 
<keith.mil...@unc.edu<mailto:keith.mil...@unc.edu>> wrote:

[ EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click any links or open attachments unless you know 
the sender and trust the content. ]

Hello all,

As many of you know, we’re an Aruba shop and we’re running multiple versions of 
8.x in our environment. We are also a Nyansa Voyance customer and for those who 
are also Nyansa customers will probably remember back in October when they 
changed the default behavior for AP down/reboot events from “No Priority” to 
“Always P2”. Almost immediately, we began receiving alerts from Voyance about 
large amounts of APs going down at the same time. After looking at our 
controllers and other NMS tools, we realized that the APs were not actually 
going down, but the radios on the APs were rebootstrapping.

For those unfamiliar with what rebootstrapping is, it essentially means that 
the radios of the AP rebooted, but the AP itself stayed up. This is typically 
caused by missed heartbeats and/or when an AP reconnects to a controller. In a 
clustered environment, when a controller fails, an AP should gracefully move to 
its S-AAC with little to no impact. However, in our case we were seeing APs not 
gracefully failover after missing heartbeats and this was causing the 
rebootstraps. This impacts clients and our users so obviously we were very 
concerned with what we had found. After opening a case with Aruba TAC, we 
discovered that the cluster members were disconnecting from each other. You can 
see if this is happening in your environment by running the “show lc-cluster 
heartbeat counters” command on one of the MDs in a cluster. You’re looking for 
the last column that indicates the last time of disconnect. For us, this has 
been occurring in multiple environments (8.3, 8.4, and 8.5) at least since we 
began looking into it back in October. We’ve sent many logs, traces, and now 
packet captures to the Aruba TAC team. At the request of TAC, we’ve changed 
heartbeat thresholds and enabled BCMC optimization on VLAN interfaces even 
though we have it enabled at the SSID level. While some of these efforts have 
slowed down the frequency of the disconnects, they are still occurring.

So I’m looking to get some feedback from those that are running AOS 8.x in 
their environment. Are you seeing this problem in your environment?

Lastly, if you’re experiencing this issue or you’re just interested in finding 
out more about the health of your environment, you can also verify if you have 
APs that are rebootstrapping with the “show ap debug counters” command. If you 
want to isolate a particular AP and gather more information, you can run the 
“show ap debug system-status ap-name” command. Here’s what it looks like when 
the AP doesn’t gracefully failover:

Cluster Failover Information
Date       Time     Reason (Latest 10)
2019-11-25 01:10:20 Delete A-AAC:172.27.xx.xx, cluster enabled=1. fail-over to 
172.27.xx.xx, sby status=1

Thanks in advance for any and all feedback.


Keith C. Miller
Wireless Architect, ITS Comm. Technologies
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
O: (919)962-6564 M: (803)464-2397 | 

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