Our consortium had both Cisco and Aruba, and about 12-18 months ago the Aruba 
folks tossed in the towel and went Cisco. Various unresolvable problems with 
Aruba AP’s, including one that required a weekly reboot of a particular model.

As Lee mentions, the grass isn’t always greener, so expect that you’re going to 
run into issues with any vendor. As such, it’s going to come down to 
support/resolution and your relationship with the vendor.  Startups are great 
as they have a single product with a single code-train, so they tend to be 
pretty responsive at the start. Once they have a few years under their belt, 
and their code base starts to fragment, you’ll get to the same point you have 
with the big incumbents i.e. too many code bases to support effectively.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Date: Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 8:15 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Who has transitioned away from Aruba, and why?

We’ve been an Aruba shop for a very long time and have around 10,000 access 
points.  While every relationship with vendors have their ups and downs, my 
frustration with the Aruba is finally peaking to the point that I am 
considering making the enormous move to choose a different vendor.  The biggest 
reason is with the 8.X code train, and bugs that we just don’t consider 
appropriate to use in production.  It has been one thing after the other, and 
my extremely talented and qualified Network Architect (Keith Miller) might as 
well be on the Aruba payroll as much work as he has been doing for them to 
solve bugs.  Just when we think we have one fixed, another one crops up.

The big one as of late is with 515s running 8.5 code train.  We have them 
deployed in one of our IT buildings.  Periodically, people that are connected 
to these APs in the 5G band will stop working.  To the user, they are browsing 
a site, then it becomes unresponsive.  If they are on their phone, they will 
disconnect from wifi and everything works fine on cell.  Nothing makes an 
802.11 network look worse than switching to cell and seeing a problem resolve.  
Normally, if the users disconnect then reconnect, their problems will go ahead 
(but I think they end up connecting in the 2.4G band).   We’ve been working on 
this problem with them for months.  It always seems as though we have to prove 
there is a real issue.  I’m fed up with it.  We are a sophisticated shop.  If 
we have a problem, 9 times out of 10 when we bring it to the vendor, it is a 
real problem.  I’m extra frustrated that due to issues we’ve seen in ResNet on 
the 8.3X train that we don’t want to abandon our 6 train on main campus.  To 
Aruba’s credit, we purchased around 1,000 515s last year (I think around 
February).  When they could not get good code to support them on, Aruba bought 
back half of them.  I asked for them to buy back half because I thought for 
sure with the 315s that we would have instead, the issues would be fixed by the 
time the 315s ran out.  Not looking to be the case.

So, with that rant over, we are seriously considering looking to move away from 
Aruba (unless they get their act together really soon).  There are other bugs 
I’m not even mentioning here.  For those of you that made the switch to another 
vendor, I would be curious how long the honeymoon lasted, what were your 
motivators, and were you happy with the overall results?  Of course, this is a 
great opportunity to plug your vendor.  As I see it, we have 3 choices….  
Something from Cisco (we had Cisco long ago and dumped them for bugs), 
something from Extreme (we are a huge Extreme shop so this makes sense), 
something from Juniper (Mist).

Ryan Turner
Head of Networking
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
+1 919 445 0113 Office
+1 919 274 7926 Mobile

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