No contact tracing queries to date, but a lot of building occupancy interests.

1)  We are investigating DNA Spaces for building occupancy and will be 
conducting tests in two buildings with I/R entrance sensors to compare.  I 
would be interested in a conversation with any school that has experiences with 
DNA Spaces in campus environments (experience > powerpoint).  Please contact me 
off list.

An expensive undertaking — but then so are the I/R solutions.  The Wi-Fi 
infrastructure is in place (watching fall quickly approaches).

2)  Home-grown, we are providing anonymized association data to our business 
intelligence group, which attempts to correlate with rough building occupancy 
(they have a nice visualization of the campus map, just building level not 
floors).  It can be difficult weeding out transients/drive-bys from actual 
people in their data analysis.  The information has been used over this period 
by our custodians and to focus various safety efforts.  In the next weeks we 
hope to compare that with reports from a building that has entrances equipped 
with entry/exit I/R cameras from the February timeframe prior to distancing.

Not as elegant as #1, because the device must be associated with our network, 
and it only gets the associated AP (as opposed to all APs hearing from a 
solution from your relevant vendor like #1).  Our open guest network pays off a 
bit here, in that Google decided it was “good”, and Android devices 
automatically connect to it and get VPN tunneled through Google without the 
user taking action to configure their device if Wi-Fi is on.

3)  Now how do you convince everyone to leave Wi-Fi turned on and not be 
creeped out by all this?

4)  If someone knows of decent services to obtain cellular location I’d also be 
interested.  Carrier account reps have not returned my queries on their 
“solutions” yet.  If figure if its good enough for marketing, it may provide a 
different less-granular metric of use.

William Green, Director of Networking and Telecommunications
The University of Texas at Austin | ITS | 512-475-9295 |<> |<>

We are getting multiple vendor pitches these days for contact tracing 
“solutions”. From Cisco, our main network vendor, their pitch relies on DNA 
Spaces. We don’t use that yet,  and it’s no secret what is happening to many of 
our budgets.

 My question is specifically for Cisco legacy location services users. Are you 
all doing anything specific in anticipation of possibly needing to provide 
Wi-Fi location data for contact tracing? Are you being specifically asked about 
it by your management?

Lee Badman (mobile)

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