
The InCommon team is looking to evolve eduroam and scale the service to meet 
the ever growing need.

We encourage you to check out the recent blog 
post<> and participate in 
providing your feedback on the service. We know many of you filled out the 
eduroam service survey almost two years ago and based on your feedback we have 
made significant progress, but still have a long ways to go.

Today, we ask two actions of you, please complete this 
survey<> so we can better understand how 
your needs have evolved and how we can continue to address them.

Secondly, we will be holding three focus groups throughout the month of October 
and would like to see you there. There will be three opportunities to provide 
feedback. You can register for a specific session by clicking one of the links 

  *   Oct 15 - focus group #1 - 11am MT / 1pm 
  *   Oct 20 - focus group #2 - 11am MT / 1pm 
  *   Oct 22 - focus group #3 - 11am MT / 1pm 


The InCommon eduroam team

Replies to EDUCAUSE Community Group emails are sent to the entire community 
list. If you want to reply only to the person who sent the message, copy and 
paste their email address and forward the email reply. Additional participation 
and subscription information can be found at

Reply via email to