Sorry, we had the issue on 8.6 code.  We skipped 8.5 code.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Sent: Thursday, July 8, 2021 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] ArubaOS Clients not getting an address

We have not experienced this exact problem, but we've seen weird forwarding 
behaviors from AP-205's after power events.  Not all of our APs are on UPS yet, 
twice after severe thunderstorms some AP-205's stopped forwarding user traffic 
(DHCP still works, but once the client is in the user table the AP won't 
forward its traffic.)  Rebooting the AP fixes the problem.  We suspect that 
power instability is putting the APs in a weird state.  We haven't been on that long and have not seen the issue on that code yet, but we had it 
on two previous 8.5 releases.

This probably isn't what you have, but I figured I'd mention it in case any of 
the details line up.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Sent: Thursday, July 8, 2021 1:02 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] ArubaOS Clients not getting an address


      We are experiencing and issue on our aruba os code and I am 
wondering if anyone else has seen it.  Starting this week we have had 
complaints of users not getting an ip address.   It seems to be isolated to two 
buildings for the most part.    On the dhcp server we see the discover and 
offer, but never a request.   On the controller packet capture we see the same 
thing, discover and offer but no request.  On a client side packet capture we 
see discover but no offer.  It seems to be ap related and a reboot of the ap 
seems to fix it, sometimes we have to reboot many ap's as a bunch in the same 
area have the issue.   For those with netinsight the insight, "no dhcp request 
after offer" seems to catch it.
    For now it is only affect about 50 people out of 5k so a small number.  But 
it also seems to be affecting about 50 Ap's out of 6k, so again a small number. 
 But we really have not confirmed that it is the ap.   We have confirmed that a 
client on the same ap will continually have the problem no matter how many 
times we reboot him or de-auth him.  We have confirmed that many times if we 
get him to go to a different ap/location it does seem to clear up.

So again, just wondering if we are the only ones or if someone else has seen 

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