While I didn't end up using the multi-sim support, I've used these cellular 
routers for remote locations in the past.  They're pretty good products, 
support dual SIM, battery backup or PoE, and external antennae.


David Hales
Network Systems Administrator

Information Technology Services
Tennessee Tech University
1010 N. Peachtree Av., CLEM117
Cookeville, TN 38505
P: 931-372-3983
E: dha...@tntech.edu<mailto:dha...@tntech.edu>

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 8:54 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Multi sim 4G routers

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Hi all,

We've got a requirement to support some learning spaces in remote locations.  
We use Aruba wireless so if we can have some remote APs there, we just need to 
work out how to backhaul them.  In the past I've resorted to a Raspberry Pi and 
a 4G USB dongle (as although some Aruba access points have USB modem support it 
was a nightmare that I gave up on).  However, for this people are wanting more 
bandwidth and resiliency, and a plug in and go solution.  I've found 
 which seemingly ticks lots of boxes but I was wondering if anyone has any 
experience with products / vendors in this area that they'd be happy to share?  
Ideally we'd like multiple SIMs that we can load balance over, so we just plug 
in a few APs and live in hope that all users don't associate with just one AP!



Luke Whitworth
Network Specialist
Information Services
Building 63 (IT) G46, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL
E: luke.whitwo...@cranfield.ac.uk<mailto:luke.whitwo...@cranfield.ac.uk>
T: +44 (0) 1234 75 4007

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