Mi sembra un OTTIMO punto di vista!
In particolare quoto la distinzione tra cos'e' FON e cos'e' FREIFUNK:

FON and Freifunk are two very different things. FON is a company that labels its participants (actually its customers) community. Freifunk is a community with many different people - students, engineers, scientists, free and open source activists, people who want Internet, people who want a truly free network, people using it for their business, people working for development cooperation and so on. People have different motivations to participate in Freifunk - interest for technology and development, Internet access, interest in new ideas and projects, inspired by idea of freedom, a way to make a living.


ZioPRoTo (Saverio Proto) ha scritto:
Forse un po' OT, ma volevo postarvi il link a questo articolo
dell'amico Mario Behling (Freifunk).


parla di Freifunk e scrive una sua visione della community

buona lettura :)


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