
we managed to have the olsrd mdns plugin run on OpenWRT 8.09 with two
Linksys WRT54G

we had to adapt a little the plugin to roll back to olsrd-0.5.6r3 to
have it running on OpenWRT

compiling latest tip of olsrd in OperWRT and adding the plugin
resulted in a Segmentation Fault as soon as the plugin loads. We did
not investigate too much but I think is related to the registering of
the olsr_parser function.

we then adapted the plugin to olsrd-0.5.6r3 because this version is
the one shipped with the trunk of OpenWRT

the plugin works great, however OLSR seems not very stable sometimes
not adding routes to the routing table. Is the 0.5.6r3 supposed to be
stable ?? Should we choose another stable reference version ?

So here the code:

http://hg.ninux.org/hg/olsrd-ninux-messy/ (branch adaptbmf)
mdns-plugin for latest olsr-tip
http://hg.ninux.org/hg/olsrd-0.5.6-mdns/ mdns-plugin adapted to
0.5.6r3 for OpenWRT compatibility
https://svn.ninux.org/ninuxdeveloping/browser/packages/olsrd Modified
OpenWRT package for OLSR that inclues the plugin

In the next week we are going to test the plugin on our mesh network
at Ninux.org, and we are going to clean up the code (now is functional
but a real mess for what concerns readibility)

Is there any guideline to prepare the code in order to have it
included in the standard olsrd distribution ??

Regards :)


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