Ciao a tutti
potresti provare con questa modalità , purtroppo non ho un Ap1130 da 
provare che a quanto pare non hanno la porta console...

Reset the AP—Cisco IOS Software
Complete the steps in this section in order to reset Cisco IOS 
Software-based APs.
Note: Cisco IOS Software-based APs have a default configuration that 
includes a username and password combination. Both the username and 
password are "Cisco", which is case-sensitive. After you reset to 
factory defaults, be prepared to give "Cisco" as both the username and 
password when you are prompted by either the GUI or the command-line 
interface (CLI).
If the privileged command prompt ap# is available in the CLI, the write 
erase command and the reload command erase the startup configuration and 
reset the unit.
If the GUI is available, choose System Software > System Configuration. 
Press the Reset to Defaults button.
If neither the GUI nor the CLI is available with sufficient privileges, 
complete these instructions in order to use the Mode button:
*Disconnect power from the AP.
Disconnect the power jack for external power or the Ethernet cable for 
inline power.
Press and hold the MODE button while you reconnect power to the AP.
Hold the MODE button until the Status LED turns amber, and then release 
the button.
The Status LED turns amber in approximately 1 to 2 seconds.
After the AP reboots, reconfigure the AP and use the web browser 
interface, the Telnet interface, or Cisco IOS Software commands.
Note: The AP is configured with the factory default values that include:
The IP address, which is set to receive an IP address with DHCP
The default username and password, "Cisco"*
Spero ti sia di aiuto...

Gioacchino ha scritto:
> ho costruito alimentatore 48v e cavo seriale <-> rj45 a mano e da quello che 
> dice la console tutto ok solo che mi chiede la password se provo ad usare 
> enable che a quanto ho capito serve per attivare il wireless e/o 
> l'interfaccia 
> web ( ho trovato su un sito che ha un bug di sicurezza... ) e se non ho 
> capito 
> male per avere la password bisogna registrarsi sul sito della cisco...
> se sapete come ottenere la password o cosa fare per accedere fatemi sapere...
> ▒▒Xmodem file system is available.
> flashfs[0]: 3 files, 2 directories
> flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
> flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 15998976
> flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 1870336
> flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 14128640
> flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 26 seconds.
> Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:26:0b:62:73:bc
> Initializing ethernet port 0...
> Reset ethernet port 0...
> Reset done!
> ethernet link up, 100 mbps, full-duplex
> Ethernet port 0 initialized: link is up
> Loading "flash:/c1130-rcvk9w8-mx/c1130-rcvk9w8-
> mx"...#########################################################################################################################################################################
> File "flash:/c1130-rcvk9w8-mx/c1130-rcvk9w8-mx" uncompressed and installed, 
> entry point: 0x3000
> executing...
>               Restricted Rights Legend
> Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
> subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
> (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
> Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
> (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
> Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
>            cisco Systems, Inc.
>            170 West Tasman Drive
>            San Jose, California 95134-1706
> Cisco IOS Software, C1130 Software (C1130-RCVK9W8-M), Version 12.3(11)JX1, 
> Technical Support:
> Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
> Compiled Mon 17-Jul-06 11:38 by alnguyen
> Image text-base: 0x00003000, data-base: 0x0035E440
> Initializing flashfs...
> flashfs[1]: 3 files, 2 directories
> flashfs[1]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
> flashfs[1]: Total bytes: 15998976
> flashfs[1]: Bytes used: 1870336
> flashfs[1]: Bytes available: 14128640
> flashfs[1]: flashfs fsck took 4 seconds.
> flashfs[1]: Initialization complete....done Initializing flashfs.
> cisco AIR-LAP1131AG-E-K9   (PowerPCElvis) processor (revision B0) with 
> 24566K/8192K bytes of memory.
> Processor board ID FCZ1336Q1DA
> PowerPCElvis CPU at 262Mhz, revision number 0x0950
> Last reset from power-on
> LWAPP image version
> 1 FastEthernet interface
> 32K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.
> Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:26:0B:62:73:BC
> Part Number                          : 73-8962-14
> PCA Assembly Number                  : 800-24818-13
> PCA Revision Number                  : A0
> PCB Serial Number                    : FOC133438X8
> Top Assembly Part Number             : 800-29144-03
> Top Assembly Serial Number           : FCZ1336Q1DA
> Top Revision Number                  : A0
> Product/Model Number                 : AIR-LAP1131AG-E-K9
> Press RETURN to get started!
> *Mar  1 00:00:06.295: %CDP_PD-4-POWER_OK: Full power - AC_ADAPTOR inline 
> power 
> source
> *Mar  1 00:00:06.305: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
> Cisco IOS Software, C1130 Software (C1130-RCVK9W8-M), Version 12.3(11)JX1, 
> Technical Support:
> Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
> Compiled Mon 17-Jul-06 11:38 by alnguyen
> *Mar  1 00:00:07.262: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0, changed state 
> to up
> *Mar  1 00:00:08.262: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface 
> FastEthernet0, changed state to up
> *Mar  1 00:00:25.312: %LWAPP-5-CHANGED: LWAPP changed state to DISCOVERY
> *Mar  1 00:00:33.451: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface FastEthernet0 
> assigned 
> DHCP address, mask, hostname AP0026.0b62.73bc
> _______________________________________________
> Wireless mailing list

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