I think it would be good to have a way to remove entries for WISPs if we wish. I wold encourage a username and password system for this however. Not to load you down with work. Just want this to be a success for us all.

Robert Kim Wireless Internet Advisor wrote:

Mac, Let me figure out what went wrong.. i have no problem removing
your listings but would you prefer that we corrected the positioning?

Tom.. OK.. i see... Well.. hmmm... 3 points.. #3 is most important...
First point.. I dont want ANY traffic to leave your site and go to the
map. What i want is for GOOGLE's SPIDERS to see that tons o wisp's
sites are pointing to the WISP MAP.

MAP by my estimation.. .we should be getting 45,000 unique visitors to
our GOOGLE MAP - IF we land on page 1 of google. under "wireless

So... IF

your site did indeed loose some traffic.. then I'm sure you'd get more
in return.. besides... your listing will ALWAYS be on the map... you
can just REMOVE YOUR LINK TO THE MAP at will.. so its a pretty safe

IF you really want to prevent any vistors from seeing the link, just
put a blue background gif or jpg behind the html "wireless internet"
text link...

IF you wish... since i believe that WISPS and 3g Cellular does NOT
need to compete...

I can put a large qualifier that says, "If you are looking for FIXED
Location Broadband Choose a WISP over EVDO. EVDO is generally slower.
It is better Suited for Mobile Internet Needs."

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