
I read Motorola's recent announcement of the MotoWi4 platform for 802.16e with interest. I found it even MORE interesting that they've backdated this announcement - which came out the other day - to July 25. If intentional, this move would seem to supercede their previous announcement to build 802.16d updates for the Canopy Advantage platform. That's alright and all, but it does seem a little tricky to rewrite history ("Motorola recently announced a major joint technology development agreement with Sprint for wireless broadband WiMAX 802.16e technology testing and equipment trials." - no, they announced trials for 802.16*d*).

Mostly, I'd just like to know where they're going, and if the Canopy Advantage will really be all that - or if it will fall flat on its face as the "redheaded stepchild of Motorola", as someone suggested at WiNOG, in deference to MotoWi4.

Anybody got a clue?
Dylan Oliver
Primaverity, LLC
WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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