I agree w/ Alex and will take this one step further

Mike has a history of "taking undue credit" for other's actions

At this risk of sounding anti Part-15, in order for WISPA to establish
credibility to its members and the FCC, it needs to be able to stand on its
own 2 feet as a separate organization with SEPARATE REPRESENTATION
Another fact worth noting is the effectiveness of the WISPA (Dearman and a
group of 20+ volunteers who ACTUALLY MADE A DIFFERENCE) response vs.
Part-15's response. Mac and co have made an IMMEDIATE impact and have gotten
exposure on the national news media, while Part-15's efforts got bogged down
and ultimately ended up getting "lost in the shuffle."

At this point, it seems to me that Part-15 is trying to "ride WISPA's

Personally, I think it would be best for Michael to not try to "take the
spotlight" but step aside and turn the FCC presentation over to someone who
was actually "in the trenches" (e.g., a WISPA representative or maybe
someone from Mac's crew).

That said, unfortunately, with a new baby due this month, my schedule has
been filled with diaper changing classes and I have been unable to devote
the time/energy that many other volunteers have had; however, I would like
to support this effort (and help establish WISPA's credibility) by putting
$500 up for a WISPA REPRESENTATIVE to travel to DC to represent WISPA's

Back to diaper changing class...


Technology Architects

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of A. Huppenthal
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 11:58 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need Inputs From Hurricane Relief WISP Teams For
FCCPresentation on Thursday


 Its great the FCC asked Mike to speak to them. He can only represent 
those people and businesses that establish him as their representative. 
I have Scriv, Marlon and Rick as well as other WISPA members who 
represent my interests. I'm curious to understanding what Mike wants to 
speak about as well as seeing whatever materials he's producing for his 
5 minute talk. If he'd like to represent me, I'd like to better 
understand what his platform is, motivation, interests, previous 
qualifications, and so on. This looks like a nice opportunity and if 
Marlon could go along and speak for me, that would be great.  I know 
Marlon, and unfortunately, I don't know Mike, except as a leader of a 
for-profit organization which uses FCC part15 as its main interest.

 Congratulations to Mike and his company for getting FCC attention. Its 
great PR for his company. Whatever he can do to convey that WISPs need 
more spectrum, better anti-trust legislation that is to say - some 
policing of mega-business policies and better co-ordination among BLM 
and FS with WISPs would be wonderful. If he would add his support for 
WISPA and suggest that the FCC should support WISPA's non-profit effort 
to create a forum for Part15 associated issues and interests would be 
greatly appreciated by me.

 It would be wonderful to see additional FCC interaction with the WISPA 
organization and its membership. Perhaps he could suggest a periodic 
meeting between the FCC and WISPA membership?

 Thanks for the good news that the FCC is paying attention to 
Independents and their representatives. I hope he invites Marlon or at 
least mentions that Marlon and WISPA exist and are making good progress.


Steve Stroh wrote:

> All:
> Michael, as usual, has understated this a bit a bit, so I'll step into
> the role of blatant Public Relations once more.
> There's a detailed explanation at
> http://www.part-15.org/emergencyrelief/fcc.html.
> Here's the terse version. Michael Anderson, Chairman of PART-15.ORG
> was asked to speak at the upcoming FCC Open Commission Meeting on 
> Thursday morning.
> His speaking slot is 5 minutes.
> It's short in time, but a lot of content can be crammed into it,
> considering that he can breeze through the PowerPoint slides, talk 
> fast, and people can look at the replay and the PowerPoint slides in 
> detail later.
> He needs the inputs soon; Monday's gone already. That basically gives
> him Tuesday to put an short, effective, "punchy" presentation 
> together. He flies from Chicago to DC on Wednesday. The more diverse 
> input he gets, the sooner, the better and more representative the 
> presentation can be.
> It SEEMS likely (we don't know for sure) that this meeting will have
> lots of press attending, since it's requested that all the entities 
> under FCC jurisdiction (telephone, cable, broadcasting, public safety 
> comms, etc.) do the same sort of presentation. So... we want the WISP 
> industry to be WELL represented, and it will be with YOUR inputs.
> To be clear... CRYSTAL clear... Michael was NOT asked to speak to
> represent just PART-15.ORG. He was asked to speak to represent the 
> WISP industry as a whole.
> Michael would like your input. The web page above has some suggestions
> for interesting input to Michael.
> The form found, linked at the bottom of the web page, (at
> http://www.part-15.org/emergencyrelief/report.asp if you'd prefer to 
> skip reading the long, wordy web page) has additional suggestions on 
> what to mention.
> Photos would be great; again, more info at the two URLs.
> Please - take some time out of your activities to provide your inputs.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Bullit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: September 12, 2005 18:44:38 PDT
>> Subject: [Emergency-Relief] P15 UPDATE - IMMEDIATE RESPONSE REQUESTED
>> http://www.part-15.org/emergencyrelief/fcc.html
>> Thank you
>> Michael
> ---
> Steve Stroh
> 425-939-0076 | Skype: stevestroh2 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> http://www.stevestroh.com

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