Hello WISPA;

It has been about 1.5 years since I have been on this list.  

I am back -- this time with a vengeance! LOL ;-)

In commemoration of this date I would like to send out a special thanks to
Marlon Schafer and sing this to him....

~~~ What can I do to make you love me?  
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
What do I do to be heard?
Can't you ping my damn thing?
Why would you ping than give me a ring?

Just once can we figure out what we keep doing wrong?  
Why the good times never last so long?
Can we make this magic last for ever?
No, because you forgot to weather proof my connection.
Is this is your work? A reflection of how you feel for me,
A genderbender and you think you are out of here?

I gave you my mounting arm, you say what? 
I am a FOX and cannot handle that much hardware. 
Give me some Velcro, bailing wire that is striped naked and bare.

Just once I would like to figure why we could not last forever.  
I scan you, you change your SSId.
I change my polarity.
Movies, dinner, a little amplifier, it will light your fire.

You know I would never associate with another, but she was wide open and
duel spectrum.  
Made my heart jump and 2 ms pings @ 5.9 Gbps...oh my.
As always, I distract myself.  I just love to ping myself.

Mr. Schafer, because you are opinionated and I am a loud ex-Marine, I might
be opinioned as well.  
I would like to thank you for your opinions over the last five years and
making sure I heard them.  LOL, do you know it is that long?  I remember
SunStream...hahaha Riccochet, Karlnet, oh and much more.

HOWEVER, in 2000, you told me to wear a dress. 
Ask Mac to wear a Scottish kilt and if Stuart will do it too, I will watch.
Although Stuart is infamous for wearing boxers in hallways, so he could be

I am fortunate to be one of your first "students" turned loose on the world.

I think you were still trying to make "black magic DSL" (?) work.  You have
to admit, once you look back on it, it was funny.  

You raised me up so I could stand on mountains, so I can walk on stormy
seas, you raised me up on bailing wire and duck tape, oh and Velcro and
WD-40 (no, not all that was you, some was Jack Unger). This you cannot
escape, you taught me how to avoid the big mistakes, or just knock them out
of my way.

Mr. Marlon Schafer, thanks for getting me here.  
I look forward to seeing the bends of the roads that we cross in the future.
As well as I soon hope to become a member of WISPA.  
However for the time being, I am backing up my backhaul, doing my
QuickBooks, and editing in my FrontPage, etc.

~~Thank you for being a friend.  
Your heart is true; you're a pal and a confidant.  
My hat is off, why do you not stand up and take a bow~~

I want to thank you!

My warmest regards,
Victoria Proffer
StLBroaDBand, LLC

John, thanks for letting me rant ;-)

I will behave, or I will put 5 watt amps on my radios and come looking for
you.... :-) LOL.  
Can't guarantee the RAMs, but a good cheeseburger or some hot wings and
......when you are ready, I am St. Louis BroadBand ;-)


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