Mark look no further then they sevice all of these radios and continue to make radios to this day with Karlnet/Turbocell software on them. Base, satelite, ptp or multipoint or dual radios, they even repair old Wave Wireless radios.---- Ydi, karlnet, Terrabeam, Proxim who bought who I don't even know anymore hard to keep up with.  Been waiting along time for someone on the list to ask about Karlnet Equipment/ Software.  Give John Elliott a call at 1-941-744-2511 he is President 

Mark Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello to the list...

My name is Mark Nash and I own & operate a little WISP of about 300
customers in Oregon.

For CPE, I started out using Breezecom 2.4GHz FH radios then switched to
Karlnet RSU's loaded w/Turb ocell. Then the YDI/Terabeam/Proxim series of
mergers & acquisitions happened and I've got products from all companies but
they are all Turbocell CPE.

We have 6 WiPops surrounding our customer base (rural southern Willamette
Valley). We're using Trango backhauls...I started out using them simply
because of their low cost and advertised bandwidth. I still have two in use
from when the company was called Sunstream (I think it was 2002). I remain
happy about that decision.

We started out with a bridged network then ARP changed my tune and we went
to a routed design.

OK, so...there it is. For those of you who know what's going on with
Turbocell from the new Proxim, you probably know that I'm not happy as they
have set out to discontinue the Turbocell client software. So I will soon
have to purchase new AP's and shift some customers around because I won't be
able to purchase Turbocell-based devices. That's the word fro m Proxim.
So...anyone heard any differently? I've also asked Proxim if we can
'downgrade' our Turbocell products to 802.11b and they are saying 'no'.

It's a you-know-what sandwich from which I'd rather not take a bite.

Does anyone feel my pain? Any way around these issues aside from replacing


Mark Nash
Network Engineer
325 Holly Street
Junction City, OR 97448
541-998-5599 fax

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