Our mail server locked up on Wednesday afternoon with some hard drive weirdness. All of the user data was okay, but after 16 hours of filesystem checking, it was clear that it wasn't going to be up and running on that hard drive anytime soon. After installing a second drive, we were able to get a fresh new install of linux going with qmail and copied over all of the old user data. Problem solved, except for the 26 hours that the mail server was not accepting email.

However, our Barracuda box was accepting the messages and storing them. After a phone call to Barracuda Networks, their tech support logged into the box and it is spending the next six hours resending all 30,000+ messages. Oh yeah!

For anyone who is on the fence, jump over to the Barracuda side. My Barracuda box has been a genuine lifesaver, beyond just stopping spam.

Matt Larsen
WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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