In some rural areas, it can be tough to do it in 1 to 5 years. What if you need 
to provide service to the 2 houses that are 15 miles from your current tower 
and there is 0 potential for growth? This would allow you to charge enough for 
long enough that you don't have to lose money. How about 5-10 years for build 
out?  I can't think of too many scenarios where you couldn't do it in 10 years.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeromie Reeves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:30 PM
>To: 'WISPA General List'
>Subject: Re: [WISPA] USF fund reform
>10 to 20 year time line? I would like to see 1 to 5 years. I do not see 
>how a network can not be profitable
>in that time frame with "free" monies.
>Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181 wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Here's what WISPA is prepared to submit to the commerce committee.
>> Thought you guys would like a peek at it first.
>> WISPA USF Reform Position Paper
>>            WISPA is a the WISP industry's only industry owned and
>> operated trade association.  We're a 501c6 corporation with a 7
>> person, membership elected board.
>>            The goals for USF should be clarified.  Are laptops for
>> kids part of the program goals?  Was it the original intent that USF
>> exclude small local entrepreneurs and give preferential treatment to
>> the incumbent? As USF changes, do the changes have a clear goal?  Is
>> this just a mechanism to try to put more funds into the program
>> otherwise leave it as is?  Or does Congress want to see substantial
>> changes in the program that do more to foster rather than stifle
>> innovation?
>>            WISPA believes that market forces should mostly be left to 
>> their own.  Without government tweaking.  USF should be canceled
>> completely.  If a real need for outside funding in regions or small
>> pockets turns out to be needed, address those issues on a case by case
>> basis.  At the very least the USF program needs major reform as its
>> cost based fee structure encourages abuse.
>>            An example of artificially high costs would be in Odessa,
>> Washington.  In the early 2000 time frame the local telco replaced an 
>> 8 T-1 microwave link with a fiber optic line at a cost (or so we've
>> been told) of $600,000.  Even at the time, the cost of a microwave
>> replacement with more capacity would have been half or less.  This is 
>> for a town of 1000 that's not on the way to anywhere.  The telco is
>> now in the process of adding more fiber to complete a fiber loop to
>> other areas.  This next 30 mile stretch is through many solid rock
>> canyons and the costs are expected to be even higher.
>>            This same telco has installed $60,000 DSL systems in rural 
>> areas that have fewer than 15 houses within 18,000 feet of the hut.
>> Clearly these are cost raising mechanisms.
>>            We understand that USF is not likely to go away at this
>> time. The above telco gets 2/3rds of its income via subsidies and
>> would not likely survive without them.  Leaving such business
>> practices in place permanently is not good public policy though.
>>            WISPA proposes that a time limit on the USF program be
>> instituted.  Expand the program to include all communications
>> companies and use USF to help them build an infrastructure.  Once that
>> system is built, it needs to stand on its own two legs though.  If it 
>> doesn't, then that's the company's fault and they can live with the
>> results of the network they built.  Somewhere between 10 and 20 years 
>> should allow plenty of time for efficient network upgrades or
>> construction.  The program should not be viewed as a permanent profit 
>> line item for companies but rather be a short term
>> capitalization/construction fund that will end and leave the company
>> standing (or not) on its own  two feet at a set specific date.
>> We believe that opening up USF to all operators would likely cause
>> multiple networks to be built at the same time and the most efficient 
>> ones would survive.  If, after USF was discontinued some areas were
>> left with no viable options for service those specific cases could be 
>> addressed under some more targeted program.  Funds should be collected
>> and distributed based on customers serviced.  This would help prevent 
>> speculation with the funds, rather the funds would reward those that
>> have already stepped up to the plate.  Tying fund distribution with
>> the FCC form 477 would also likely help lead to more accurate market
>> data availability.
>> WISPA also believes that USF's goals should be readdressed.  We don't 
>> believe that using USF funds to provide laptop computers to 68,000 7th
>> and 8th graders in Massachusetts is a proper use of the program.
>> We would also like to see some changes in the way that USF is
>> distributed. The E-Rate program excludes almost all entrepreneurial
>> providers.  In some areas the local WISP offers greater service levels
>> for less cost than the local hospital or school is paying via the
>> E-Rate programs.  We're not allowed to service those portions of the
>> account that we could take care of because we don't have CLEC status
>> or can't offer all services.
>> It seems to us that a complicated mechanism to compute pay in and pay 
>> out isn't needed or wanted at this time.  We propose that the current 
>> contributions simply be expanded to any broadband provider in any area
>> that the incumbent currently contributes.  And in any area where USF
>> funds are distributed all providers be given equal shares based on
>> customer base.  And one customer equals one share.  No company should 
>> get more money for more services.  This would slow down the
>> convergence of services into increasingly efficient networks in rural 
>> markets.
>> This model should encourage both competition and a shift from high
>> cost to low cost network design.
>> Sincerely,
>> Marlon K. Schafer
>> Founding Board Member
>> FCC Committee Chairman
>> (509) 982-2181
>> (509) 988-0260 cell
>> laters,
>> Marlon
>> (509) 982-2181                                   Equipment sales
>> (408) 907-6910 (Vonage)                    Consulting services
>> 42846865 (icq)                                    And I run my own wisp!
>> (net meeting)
>WISPA Wireless List:

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