John, Well said.
I agree 6 mhz, a slap in the face.
I understood, Brad Larson's comment that 50Mhz is a lot to be thankk full for, when Marlon was suggesting that 50 Mhz was not enough, in critiquing Marlon's proposal. We learned with 900Mhz that we can do a lot with 30 Mhz, although tough. But 6 Mhz, useless, and pointless.

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

----- Original Message ----- From: "John Scrivner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] TV spectrum

Please read below and see my remarks on this feeble attempt to help Americans.

New spectrum legislation crafted
By Dan O'Shea

Apr 5, 2006 12:02 PM

Five members of the U.S. House of Representatives have announced new legislation that allow broadband wireless carriers and other companies to use television spectrum in the band between 608 Mhz and 614 MHz for unlicensed wireless services.

The legislation was introduced by Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) and his co- sponsors Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.), Paul Gillmor (R-Ohio) and Rick Boucher (D-Va.).

The Telecommunications Industry Association applauded the move. Agency president Matthew Flanigan, said in a statement, "TIA believes that these proposals could provide for more efficient and effective use of the television broadcast spectrum, as well as have significant benefits for the public by increasing competition in the wireless broadband industry and providing incentives for the development of new and innovative broadband devices and services for businesses and consumers.

My thoughts:
The House bill to give us a single 6 MHz channel is far too little to help and could even be regarded as a slap in the face if you have been starved for the quality spectrum we need to do the job as we all have for so long. This does not match the legislation being introduced by the Senate at all and could lead to making this a dead issue instead of helping bring broadband to the masses as intended. It does not surprise me that the TIA has applauded this as it serves their purposes of holding our efforts back. They would prefer to either have only licensed spectrum which acts as a means of keeping competitors out of the wireless space or as we see here they would like to see competing offers from the Senate and House so that the true opportunity as outlined in the FCC 04-186 is locked in debate and taken off the table to meet some compromise or worse yet the effort is killed from having too little common ground to pass a vote from both sides of Congress.

If any of you are in the states of Washington, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Ohio or Virginia I certainly hope you will call your Reps today and let them know that 6 MHz of spectrum is like giving a spoonful of water to a man walking in the desert for days. The parched man will surely take it and wonder why you even bothered to mock him with such a paltry offer. This is terrible news and we need to act quickly.

The FCC has created the logical platform to move ahead in allowing the unlicensed use of unused television channels in its 04-186 rulemaking which it has allowed to leave in a limbo state and tasking the FCC with passing their own rulemaking is the logical way to move forward and help the broadband industry. Believing that one 6 MHz channel for broadband use is helpful is just plain laughable and shows a complete lack of understanding of our problems in helping deliver broadband to rural and under-served citizens who are begging for access to broadband and cannot receive it from any source. These unused television channels will give them broadband. A single 6 MHz channel is not a true effort to help and is insulting to the public. Without several channels to allow for frequency reuse the single channel forces providers to either segment the single channel into minuscule sizes delivering substandard speeds or face almost certain interference as multiple attempts to use the same small 6 MHz channel space would interfere with adjacent efforts from other operators doing the same. In short this is not worthy of consideration and should be scrapped.

The only logical step is for the House of Representatives to pass legislation which will task the FCC to pass its 04-186 rulemaking which will open unused television channels up for use as unlicensed carriage of broadband to Americans. This is not just important, it is mandatory if we are to truly close the "Digital Divide" which is now wider than ever due to a lack of quality spectrum able to do the job. The problem is not that rural Americans do not want broadband or that private enterprise has failed them in some way, the problem is that the thousands of Wireless Internet Service Providers who serve them lack the necessary spectrum to bring their citizens the broadband they are begging to receive.

Now I want you guys, all of you guys, to go to and write a letter to your Rep. The site will find your rep by zip code for you. Even if you are not in the states where this laughable legislation originated you need to speak out. We obviously do not want to alienate the whole House of Representatives but we do need them to understand that this is not going to come close to doing the job they are trying to do and that this is not going to fix anything unless we have access to a larger amount of quality spectrum. So please go now and make this happen, right now, in the next 10 minutes.

Dawn DiPietro wrote:


Could this be good news for WISP's? Any thoughts on how this may affect the wireless industry?


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