I am doubting that wisps can actually accomadate the muni in most situations, unless they are closely involved with the design of the network, Talking spectrum use here.

As for going along with free muni wifi, How is a wisp going to operate if a muni is offering for free or at cut rate pricing? And how are they going to expand if the spectrum is used up all over the place with unlicensed omni's on every corner.


Jack Unger wrote:
Unfortunately, this may be one of the first of many such muni problems that I've been forcasting for years. Muni wireless can be done correctly and WISPs (IMHO) should always try (when allowed) to play a positive role in proper network design and operation however most muni networks are incorrectly designed by people with limited wireless experience (yes, that even includes some mesh network vendors) which will lead to network failure, waste of taxpayer money, and possible loss of jobs on the part of the city IT folks (not to mention the elected officials) who backed the networks without first learning about how wireless technology really works.

George wrote:


I am not a fan of muni wireless.


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