Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:
> I agree it could be noise but a bridge runaway will give you the 10+
> second pings and with that much traffic being echoed ALL of your AP
> and Clients are spewing.  It would look like a massive RF flood on the
> Spectrum Analyzer.  Think about what the air wave look like when you
> have full radio usage.  To nearby units and competitors it would be a
> massive increase in the noise floor.
That's certainly possible, but then how do I track down which specific
piece of hardware is responsible? As much as you'd enjoy the extra
StarOS software sales, I'm not sure it's feasible to wholesale-replace
twenty APs. :)

If it were, say, a specific radio running amok, I expect that the
problem would temporarily disappear for a few seconds while the AP in
question is being rebooted. This hasn't (so far) proven to be the case.

Example: If the problem were in "AP3", then I'd expect the noise problem
in "AP4" (almost ten miles away, running ten channels away) to disappear
for at least a few seconds while AP3 reboots. I've tested this with
virtually every combination of APs, rebooting all the affected ones (and
even a few others) in turn, and watching customers on other APs for a
change, and haven't seen one.

If it were some kind of network flood, why does it only affect certain
tower locations, all of which are at least in vague geographical
proximity? (And not other towers twenty miles away?)

http://www.thedave.us/pics/mvn/wispamap.jpg is a real quick map of the
affected areas. The big green dots are "towers that are doing alright",
the big red dots are "towers where weird stuff is happening". (The green
dot that's right in the center of the three red dots is a 900MHz tower
that I probably shouldn't have put on the map, as the Waverider stuff
there has been humming right along all the while.)

The next-nearest couple of towers (the green dots near Dix at the far
north, and Woodlawn to the east) have occasionally exhibited the same
behaviour, but not nearly as often as the three I marked in red.

Just about the only explanation that makes much sense to me is,
basically, "someone on the north edge of town, or a bit further north,
is intermittently spamming RF." Maybe it's something on my network, or
someone else's. As always, I'm open to suggestions, ideally ones that
come with meaningful ways to test.

If/when we find the source, I'll try to follow up with everyone, just to
put the whole thing to rest.

David Smith
WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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