Clearwire may be the party that is applying for all of the RUS
loans in our rural areas.

Well he won;t be getting RUS loans, if you are protesting as you should be, as RUS loans are for unserved areas, and you obviously are serving it already.

Competing against Clearwire is no different than competing againt any other ISP or WISP.

And on the RUS loans deal, does anyone know who to complain to if I don't feel there was adequate legal notice to the RUS loan being applied for in my area?

Not to be a smart alec, but try calling RUS. Their contact info or links to them are plastered all over the FCC web page :-)

The problem I see in your case is that they are deploying on the same tower as you. It sounds like you don;t have a loyal tower owner or not good enough clauses to protect your right to spectrum. For example is the Orthogon equipment using 5.8Ghz? Are you using 5.8Ghz? Execute that Non-Interference clause, if you can. Provided you bought the right to broadcast at 5.8Ghz first.

The problem with them being on the same tower is, you are competing for the exact same clients. My advice is take advantage of any customer awareness that they generate for you. If you are there first, hopefully you know the market better. Time to vamp up your marketing, and running your signup promotions.

The good news is that Clearwire's sectors most likely are not going to interfere with you (provided using 2.5Ghz or what ever it is).

Just remember the DSL world, when there were 100 ISPs all selling DSL in the same town, and there was enough business to go around.

Don't worry about Clearwire, worry about your business. What are you going to do to make custoemrs want to use you. Let Clearwire worry about why they think customers should chose them instead. Ask your self why customers would choose clearwire over you. My answer would be, " no reason I could think of". So you have as much a chance at the client base as Clearwire.

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

----- Original Message ----- From: "D. Ryan Spott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 2:32 PM
Subject: [WISPA] Clearwire is coming to my area. (eek?)

I have a tower in rural Western Washington.

Today I went in to find 5 of thier radios still in the box, 1 Orthogon systems PTP ethernet bridge, an APS rack etc....

So... does anyone else out there compete with Mr McCaw? How does his service stack up?

I don't mean to be a "the sky is falling" or conspiracy theory kind of guy but not only is Clearwire suddenly up in this area, but I think Clearwire may be the party that is applying for all of the RUS loans in our rural areas.

And on the RUS loans deal, does anyone know who to complain to if I don't feel there was adequate legal notice to the RUS loan being applied for in my area?

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