The one thing I would note about many of the "roll your own" systems is
that typically they consist of a certified module (mPCI card) and a
single board computer.  As long as you stick to single radio setups,
then typically the only thing required is a Declaration of Conformity
(unintentional radiator testing).  This is quite a bit cheaper than a
full certification that has both the intentional and unintentional
radiator tests.  That said, it *does* require the certified module to
have been certified with a wide range of antennas, which is not commonly
done today.

Oh, and consider our horn tooted.  :-)


Harold Bledsoe
Deliberant LLC

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of George Rogato
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 7:06 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] roll your own radios..

One reason the non certified manufacturers are not certifying their 
equipment is because of the changes that take place in such short time 

To certify a system, the radio card, the antenna AND "the board" which 
drives the card has to be certified together as a complete system.

The roll your own non certified equipment changes very fast. It's always

a newer faster board or a newer better card. Just a few months ago the 
CM9 was the rage of Atheros, now seems like the WLMG54 is popular. 
couple months ago wraps were the ticket and now it's war boards..

I don't think it's likely to see too many certifying systems under these

conditions. But I'm sure they could easily be certified. it just takes 


Matt Liotta wrote:
> Jack Unger wrote:
>> First, our "small group" can certainly influence manufacturers. The 
>> voice of an industry trade organization (which is what we are)
>> a lot of weight if we simply decide to use that voice to speak out. 
>> Only if we say nothing, will our voice carry no weight. In that case,

>> we might as well cease to exist.
> We can influence manufacturers by explaining what we want them to 
> produce and if they produce it we will buy it. Take for example the 
> whole thread on MTU size, which seemed to get at least one manufacture

> to take notice. That however is because they could actually lose sales

> if they don't pay attention to our needs. I personally don't see any 
> benefit provided by current non-certified gear, so its not like I will

> start buying the gear if it was certified. Therefore, what incentive 
> would such a manufacture have knowing my position? I guess a better 
> question is what benefit does non-certified gear have over certified 
> gear? I personally don't see the benefit, so why waste time trying to 
> convince the manufacture to certify it?
>> Second, I'd venture a guess that many WISPA members DO sometimes buy 
>> non-certified equipment. We can't make a blanket statement that all 
>> WISPA members buy only certified equipment. Even if it were true that

>> all WISPA members bought only certified equipment (and I'll bet you a

>> steak dinner that it's not true) what about all the other WISPs and 
>> WISP-industry providers who are on our mailing lists and who are 
>> influenced by what we say and do? Is it WISPA's job to stand up for 
>> what's legal and what's right or should WISPA just say "Forget it, we

>> don't care, it's not our job, and we're too busy".
> I am all for standing up for what is legal, but what does that mean in

> practical terms for WISPA?
>> I submit that it's part of our job to educate the industry. If WISPs 
>> don't know that certification is a requirement, then IT'S OUR JOB to 
>> help them learn. Once they know the laws of the industry that they
>> joining then they will want to buy certified equipment.
> Why is it our job?
>> By the way, who would start a business in an industry and then not 
>> want to know the laws that regulate that industry? How far would I
>> (and how smart would I be) if I opened a new restaurant in your 
>> neighborhood but I didn't stop long enough to learn about the 
>> sanitation laws in your city? Would you feel confident bringing your 
>> new girlfriend to my restaurant on Friday night?
> Those are interesting questions that don't seem to apply to my
> A more analogical question would be should the other restaurants help 
> you learn what you are unwilling to do on your own? How long will a 
> business survive with such an attitude? Why not just wait for them to 
> die on their own?
> -Matt

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