
I have helped several cities in the past to both evaluate muni RFPs and to correct already-deployed muni network projects. One challenge to overcome is budgetary; as a business (14 years in the broadband wireless business) I charge for my consulting time after the initial information-gathering discussion. Sometimes cities expect assistance for free. In many of these situations, they get advice that's worth exactly what they pay. That having been said, if you know of a muni that needs some help, please feel free to give them my contact information. I would be glad to speak with them regarding their situation and to offer assistance.

Matt Liotta wrote:


I have been hearing reports about problems at the various muni wireless network deployments. More recently, I have heard a number of local hams have been contacted by recruiters looking for help with problem muni wireless networks. Has anyone on the list been contacted? Seems like local WISPs may be best suited to help, but also likely the least willing to help. I know I am having hard time even getting folks to pay attention to us in regard to the Atlanta RFP.


Jack Unger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
Serving the License-Free Wireless Industry Since 1993
Author of the WISP Handbook - "Deploying License-Free Wireless WANs"
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