Good for the cops.

I just signed up a customer last week, a "convert" from a different system.
He had a 24 db grid, using a 1 watt "powered over coax" amp connected at the
antenna, and a linksys WET-11 attached to that through about 30 feet of
LMR-400.   Said it was "unstable" that way, which is why he switched...
That calculates to a theoretical 250 WATTS EIRP.  He was about 3-4 miles
from the access point, with a single tree in his backyard blocking the path.
I have customers at his distance using a VAGI and 16 dbm radio....  Which is
like... 8 - 9 miles..   He had asked if I'd hook him up using his
equipment... Seemed quite disappointed I switched him out and made him buy

I was recently asked by a couple of "wireless consultants" about a poorly
working setup they had.  It seems they have an omni on a tall downtown
rooftop.  It's a 9 or 11 db omni with a .5 W amp attached.  Just .7 miles
away, in direct line of sight, is one of their homes, which has a 24 db
grid pointed right at the omni, and the connection, they said, was "up and
down".  They wanted to know if an amp would improve the throughput, which
was apparently quite... erratic.

After a lot of discussion, they finally told me that a competitor has
another omni IN LINE between them and the home and that they thought it was
a 15 db omni with a 1 watt amp.

I think I finally convinced them that they were signal overloaded, and that
changing out the client end for...say.. 9 to 12 db gain antenna would
probably help solve the issue...  They still seemed taken aback at the
notion that they needed less signal, they had assumed that a bi-directional
amp was the key...

I wondered why everytime I tell someone in that town I provide wireless
broadband, they ask how soon I'm moving in...

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - fast internet for North East Oregon and South East Washington
email me at mark at neofast dot net
Direct commercial inquiries to purchasing at neofast dot net

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Forbes Mercy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 10:13 PM
Subject: RE: [WISPA] illegal CPE installs

> Only one warning in that advice.  If the FCC takes any interest which they
ususally don't (think CB) the first one they will require testing on is you.
We had a person running 40 watts and a quick call around found that the FCC
likes to make sure the complaintant is also above board.  We've been
beseiged with competitors who take the philosophy that causing us
interference is their business model.  I don't like them as much as any of
you but we just had a person in Spokane, WA who praised the police, whom
they called, for catching a burglar who was in their house.  This was said
as they were being hauled off to jail for a pot growing operation in the
house that was being burglarized.  They called Police then they went to
jail.  Just remember the law is looking for all abusers not just the one you
want them to take out.
> Forbes
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Marlon K. Schafer
> Sent: Mon 11/27/2006 9:23 PM
> To: WISPA General List
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] illegal CPE installs
> Me?  I'd make a few calls about it.
> First to them.  It's amazing how often management doesn't know the rules.
> If that won't fix it, I'd call Motorola.
> If that doesn't work, I'd call the FCC.
> The last thing this industry needs is people screwing with the one thing
> that the FCC has been a stickler on.  EIRP is a sacred stone.  Mess with
> and someone at the commission will be getting pissed.
> Make DAMN sure you know what they are doing and with what frequencies
> though.  Nothing worse than making that kind of false accusation.
> And sometimes having someone else call the company and ask around is a
> idea.  If you can get me a name and number I'd be happy to make a call for
> you.  As would, I'm sure, anyone on the wispa board.
> Good luck.
> marlon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jack Unger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "WISPA General List" <>
> Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 4:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] illegal CPE installs
> > Travis,
> >
> > What's the illegality?
> >
> > Are they using 5150 - 5250 (indoor use only)?
> >
> > Are they exceeding + 30 dBm EIRP on either the AP or the SM?
> >
> > jack
> >
> >
> > Travis Johnson wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Curious to everyone's thoughts about a regional WISP installing illegal
> >> CPE units? They are using Last Mile Gear 120degree Canopy 120 degree
> >> sectors (5.2GHz) and then putting the Canopy 5.2GHz SM in dishes at
> >> customer locations. I am talking about thousands of CPE installed this
> >> way and doing more every day. This company covers several western
> >> (Idaho, Utah, Nevada, etc.) and also does Dish Network satellite TV
> >> installs.
> >>
> >> Is this OK? What are everyone's thoughts?
> >>
> >> Travis
> >> Microserv
> >
> > --
> > Jack Unger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
> > Serving the License-Free Wireless Industry Since 1993
> > Author of the WISP Handbook - "Deploying License-Free Wireless WANs"
> > True Vendor-Neutral WISP Consulting-Training-Troubleshooting
> > Newsletters Downloadable from
> > Phone (VoIP Over Broadband Wireless) 818-227-4220
> >
> >
> >
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